Mingling in the Morning

Carolina Parakeets, Ohio Valley, Before the 20th Century

A quote from Alexander Wilson 1766 – 1813, a famous ornithologist, described in his journals an ordinary day in the life of Carolina Parakeets. He said they could often be found at the mouths of the Great and Little Miami Rivers. He encountered them in numerous creeks that discharge into the Ohio. When he observed them at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky he wrote: “I saw them in great numbers. They came screaming through the woods in the morning, about an hour after sunrise. When they alighted on the ground it appeared at a distance as if covered with a carpet of the richest green, orange and yellow. They afterwards settled, in one body, on a tree covering almost every twig of it. And the sun shining strongly on their gay and glossy plumage produced a very beautiful and splendid appearance”.

16″x20″ Oil