The First Signs of Spring

Native American Child, Ohio Valley – 18th Century

Playing in a stream near her village a young Indian girl scoops up a small Midland Mud Salamander – a sure sign that spring has arrived. This salamander is usually found under large, flat stones along shallow woodland streams.  Today it is somewhat uncommon and its habitat is limited to a few areas in the extreme southern parts of Ohio.

This painting was inspired by the book by Richard Louv “Last Child in the Woods, Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder” In his book, Mr. Louv explains how time spent in nature is essential for the physical, mental and emotional health of all children. It is through the joy and wonder of nature that a child gains the intimate knowledge, love and passion necessary to become good stewards of the earth when an adult.

Native American Children were immersed in nature every day and became intimately familiar with all the native plants and creatures great and small.

14 x 11 Oil